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Saying Goodbye: A History of the Rasmus Juggler Logo

You may or may not have seen the countdown on facebook, but some big changes are coming to and one of them is the reveal of our brand new logo. That means that we will be saying goodbye to our long-time logo, the Rasmus juggler. Ever wondered just why we had that juggler in the first place? Well before he goes, let us tell you the story of the juggler.

Many years ago, back when Rasmus was still in the live auction business and just getting started our CEO Chris and his right hand man our On-Site Sales Director Scott were on a flight back to DC from California. Being that they had a long flight and a few drinks, they got to thinking that Rasmus Auctioneers was in need of a logo. They started brainstorming and found themselves asking the question, “What does Rasmus do?”. The answer came out to be that they juggle a wide variety of assets all the way through the auction process.

A Juggler on Top of the World!

A Juggler on Top of the World!

They played around with a few different ideas for the logo from a jester, to possibly some sort of man juggling balls, and ended up with the version that we still have today. A person, always juggling the moving parts, assets, and processes that make up an auction standing on top of the world.

And alas, the juggler was born, right there on a flight across the country on an airplane napkin. A lot of great things have gotten their beginning on an airplane napkin, and the juggler was no exception. Our juggler has actually been changed before, as he used to always be depicted on top of a semi-circle that was the world (didn’t know that did ya?) but now he is often depicted as a stand-alone figure next to our name. He has served us well over the years and we are sad to see him go but very excited to introduce our new logo which will be revealed in just THREE short days! Be sure to keep checking back for the big reveal!

Rasmus Auctioneers Logo

Goodbye Juggler!

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